The first automobile produced in our country with a mass production approach is Anadol, which was produced in 1966. Before the production of Anadol, in 1961, the car called Devrim was produced but unfortunately not able to take a place in the mass production process even if it had been manufactured with great enthusiasm, devotion and imagination.

In pursuit of Anadol, Murat 124 and Renault 12 produced in 1971 have emerged on highways. However in the beginning, this domestic production was based on the assembling of imported parts in our country. For this reason, it was of great importance to improve the domestic subsidiary industry in order to decrease the number of imported parts and manufacturers from different sectors were encouraged to make production.


Our story begins with Taysan A.Ş., where Ahmet Kurtcebe Alptemoçin, who believed in the future of the automotive industry in our country, worked as a founding partner and general manager after he came to Bursa in 1969.


Following the bitumen-based products that were produced for sound insulation, efforts were initiated to produce sound insulation materials made of felt in order to meet the demands of the industry. The friendship formed with Recep Bekler, who produced felt machines soon became a partnership and Erkurt Tekstil ve Yalıtım Ürünleri A.Ş. was established in 1978.


1970’s were years when amateur spirit prevailed and manufacturers tried to produce similar parts requested from them. Increasing figures and the quality expectation provided the partnership started under Erkurt’s name to develop as well.


The 1980s were breakthrough years with intense excitement.


In 1983, Formfleks Yalıtım Ürünleri A.Ş. was established to form floor and luggage carpets.


Erkurt Dış Ticaret ve Pazarlama A.Ş. was established in order to provide services to automotive spare part industry in 1985.


In 1987, Cemre Halıcılık Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. was established in order to produce automotive, wall-to-wall and office carpets. Therefore, the backbone of our structure was completed.


The 90s were the years in which the automotive subsidiary industry developed and started to prove itself in international platforms with quality and quality assurance concepts.


After Taysan Oto Yan Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. joined our ranks, deficiencies on PVC foil, linoleum and carpet back coating products were also completed in 1992. As a result of the new part nationalisation efforts with increasing quality and capacity expectations, a technical assistance contract was signed with Swiss-based Rieter Automotive in 1992.


One year after the collaboration made with Rieter Automotive, a technical assistance contract was signed with France-based Sommer Allibert in 1993.


Due to the economic crisis in our country in 1994, new market research enabled us to produce sound insulation materials for white goods sector.


In the 90s, the years of globalisation, countries got very close to each other thanks to the rise of communication tools and the strategies were transformed into regional and global identities from country basis.


This was reflected in the automotive industry with joint purchasing, cost reduction and world car concepts.


In order to adapt to these changing conditions, the Rieter-Erkurt partnership was established in 1997 with Rieter Automotive.



By establishing Erkurt Holding A.Ş. in 1998, we started to be restructured and all our companies became a holding subsidiary.


The 2000s were the years when design, innovation and R&D concepts were at the forefront. In order to be able to respond to the new evolutions in the industry, Bekalp Kalıpçılık Makine İmalat ve Sistem Tasarımı A.Ş. was established in 2002 and the deficiencies in mould manufacturing, project development, engineering and design issues were eliminated.


In the 2000s, when we were very active in our international relations, we exported our products to foreign countries such as Russia, Iran, England, Pakistan, Egypt, Romania etc. and established a partnership in Turkey with France-based Novetüd company in 2005 and also improved our collaboration with Faurecia, who has acquired France-based Sommer Allibert.


Thanks to Bekalp Otomotiv A.Ş., established within the scope of our own needs in 2012, we started providing services to our customers in accordance with the “Just in Time” approach.



In 2017, TABCO A.Ş. was established especially in order to operate in North African markets.


In 2018, Alptemoçin-Bekler Foundation for Education and Industrial Development was established in order to create basic programs to support and encourage highly skilled children in different age groups to participate in industrial life, develop their technical skills and prepare them for the industry 4.0 world.


Formfleks, our flagship, started production abroad for the first time as Formfleks Algeria, which was established in Oran city of Algeria, within the scope of our cooperation with Renault.

Thanks to our R&D Centre established in the same year, a very important step was taken for reaching a structure that can develop NVH and interior trim products and serve all customers within Full System Supplier status.


With our vision “BEING GLOBAL”, Erkurt Holding and subsidiaries were restructured within the scope of the requirements of the automotive industry and the digitalised world. Erkurt Yalıtım, Cemre, Taysan and Arma companies merged under the roof of Formfleks company, which is the holding’s flagship company.


It is aimed to make Formfleks become a company that stands out with its production and engineering capabilities and that makes a difference by being transformed to a big structure in its new structure designed in accordance with “Strong Production, Strong Planning and Strong Engineering” targets.


Erkurt Holding is a continuously developing family. Our beliefs, experiences and enthusiasm that keeps us alive will continue to grow and will carry us to the next generations.



Formfleks S.A. was established in Craiova, Romania, in order to manufacture sound insulators and interior trim pieces for automotive manufacturers in Romania.


Erkurt Holding moved its head office to Bursa.
