Devrim Zümrütkaya took up a position as COO of our Formfleks company on April 4. On the same day, a meeting to inform the employees was held with the participation of our Board of Directors in the dining hall of Formfleks OSB Branch. Chairman of the Board of Director Âli Kerem Alptemoçin in his speech stated that a new period started and said that this period would be “Development Period With Communication”. He conveyed that in the new management model that would be presented with the appointment of Devrim Zümrütkaya, communication would be carried out at the highest level with the contributions of all managers. Alptemoçin added that as of April 1, as holding, they had carried out a change in understanding and he wished Devrim Zümrütkaya who will carry out this understanding at Formfleks, success in his new duty. Devrim Zümrütkaya started his speech by sharing his happiness and excitement for this new beginning. He conveyed the elements that he cared about in his career life and the lessons learned until today and said that he had joined Erkurt Family in order to write a new story with the paradigm of "serving" instead of personal victories. Adhering to the understanding “acting in goodwill, honesty and dignity by respecting law" of Erkurt Holding mission, he conveyed the approach of working with his teams in a way that would keep the value of respect alive. Zümrütkaya emphasized that as a whole team, they would achieve “Being Global” vision with effort and faith.
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